Samsung touts the CLX-2160 (and its network capable sibling, the CLX-2160n, RRP AU$849) as the world's smallest colour laser multifunction printer. They're undoubtedly correct (for now), although being a laser printer still means you're talking about a unit of some size; those who need a truly compact multifunction device will still need to look at the inkjet world for now. The CLX-2160 measures in at 41.3cm by 35.3cm by 33.3cm and weighs a chunky 16.5 kilograms; it's one of those IT devices that looks lighter than it in fact is.
Installation of the CLX-2160 is relatively painless, especially for a colour laser. It wouldn't be a home printer without the need to remove lots of bits of seemingly superfluous sticky tape, but once you're past that easily penetrable barrier, it's just a matter of installing the toner cartridges, which come in quite cute colour-coded cylinders. They all load simply from the front of the unit in a very similar style to many inkjet multifunction devices. All the cartridges are physically keyed, so it's not possible to insert them the incorrect way.
Samsung do perpetrate one our key irritants when it comes to consumer printers –- the CLX-2160 ships without a USB cable. C'mon guys –- you've already got AU$799 of our hard-earned cash –- would a AU$5 cable break the bank? Drivers and simple print utilities are supplied for Windows and Mac OS X.